What are Linea's official channels?
This is a list of all Linea's official sites and social media accounts.
Linea is putting out information in a lot of places; make sure you're going to these sources for information — and no matter what you're doing online, make sure you're double-checking URLs, and bookmarking official sites like these:
Websites and dapps
Homepage: https://linea.build/
Documentation: https://docs.linea.build/
Support: https://support.linea.build/hc/en-us
Block Explorer: https://lineascan.build/
Ecosystem Portal: https://linea.build/apps (dapps live on Linea, and more)
Activations (Linea Voyage): https://linea.build/activations
Forums and community
Linea Discord: https://discord.com/invite/linea
Developers' forums: https://community.linea.build/
Social media and blogs
Lenster: https://lenster.xyz/u/linea
X: https://twitter.com/LineaBuild
Mirror: https://linea.mirror.xyz/